Lazy Tuesday
I took the day off work today, mostly because I hate my job, but also because I had a visit to the dentists'. Fortunately I don't have a cavity - but unfortunately I do have exposed dentin, ouch! Such are the woes for tooth grinders. I also went to the supermarket, and a bunch of old people gave me the stink eye for audaciously not being at work. Unfortunately for them, I have no work ethic and love to use up all my leave.
Movie: Scandal

It feels like I've watched a huge number of Kurosawa movies, but then I find out about a dozen more. Scandal had an interesting cover that reeled me in - who doesn't like motorbikes? - but it's definitely not one of Kurosawa's best. The plot of an artist and singer pressing charges against a gossip rag doesn't have much teeth, even with their lawyer's cowardly personality. It really felt like it was missing out on the grandiosity that makes Kurosawa's other movies so great; even when the story of his movies is small (say, Rashomon or Yojimbo) they feel momentous. Scandal seems to shrink in on itself instead, maybe because it's quite predictable. While Drunken Angel was also predictable, the emotional performances made it amazing. Scandal is a bit too formal, too by the book. Fortunately I also rented 'the bad sleep well' to watch tonight so I'm sure that will make up for Scandal.
Neocities I like: Saint Images
Their photography is beautiful. I honestly think a lot about their photographs of wheat swaying in the wind.