
After 3 years of being employed, I am once again without a job. Oh well. I'm trying to stay positive about it because if I don't I'll probably go insane. The hardest thing has been keeping my schedule normal. It has taken a concerted effort to wake up at a normal time, eat three square meals a day, and go out of the house and do things. Which is strange, because you'd think that as soon as you lose your job you'd go out and party and have fun. Instead a gnawing sense of dread and pointlessness sets in, which has to be actively fought against. Fortunately I started my postgraduate diploma study this week so that's something to keep my mind off the abyss. I've been job searching like crazy, but 3 years of experience is a slightly uncomfortable amount because you're overqualified for entry level work, but unqualified for a manager role. So I'm setting my expectations low and putting my nose to the grindstone.

One of my resolutions for this year was getting out more and reviving my dating life. This has been harder than anticipated, but strangely because other people keep fumbling me - not the other way round, which was what I was expecting. So far, I have experienced smelly BO on a date, a sweet woman who recommended a shithole restaurant for our dinner meet, and a string of people totally incapable of holding conversations like normal human beings. Seriously, it's like talking to aliens. They don't ask questions, they don't initiate conversation, and make no effort to find anything out about me. There's a single star in the darkness, which is Frankie. They're a nonbinary baddie I met last week who is super cute and fun to be around - we even share interests and some past experiences! I'm hanging out with them tomorrow and I'm trying to gather up the courage to ask them if they're interested in something romantic.

My poor garden looks like shit at the moment. It's so hot that I can't spend time out there weeding, and the heat means I have to be extremely vigilant about watering. But when I water, the weeds go crazy. To add some madness, the flatmate responsible for cutting the lawn waits way too long between cuttings, leaving the lawn looking like shit most of the time. I don't even think we should have a lawn - they're expensive, bad for the environment wastes of space. Replace it all with some mulch and plant some trees, that's what I think. But alas.